“We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more.” 

– Carl Jung

What is Astrology?

  • Astrology originated in Mesopotamia (c. 3rd millennium bc) and spread to India, but it developed its Western form in Greek civilization during the Hellenistic period.

    Astrology entered Islamic culture as part of the Greek tradition and was returned to European culture through Arabic learning during the Middle Ages.

    What was the original purpose of astrology?

    The original purpose of astrology, on the other hand, was to inform the individual of the course of his life on the basis of the positions of the planets and of the zodiacal signs (the 12 astrological constellations) at the moment of his birth or conception.here

zodiac of the month

  • my patience is

    my strength

  • April 19th – May 20th

    Gemstone: Emerald

    Ruling Planet: Venus

    Sign quality: Fixed

    Symbol: The Bull

    House: Second

    Tarot Card: The Hierophant

    Chakra: Heart

  • As the sun dances into Taurus from April 19th to May 20th, we mark the beginning of Taurus season. Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac and it’s cycle starts in spring. Taurus is symbolised by the bull and is associated with the element, earth. Taurus is ruled by the planet of love, Venus. Taurus energy is generally calm, but has the tendency to become aggressive especially during difficult situations. However, this temper is generally not showed that often.

    Taurus represents the beautiful mythological White Bull that Zeus transformed into, to “woo” Princess Europa. Zeus (the White Bull) carried the Princess across the Mediterranean Sea to the island of Crete. There they conceived a son, “the good king” Minos, who ruled over Crete for many generations and appears in many legendary stories.

    Taureans are straightforward and methodical. They love to bask (mostly alone) in the fruit of their efforts enjoying the finer things of life such as art work and finer food. They believe the path to success lies in a disciplined and organised approach to work and life.

    Taurus’ taste for success may come off as materialistic or excessive but most Taurus just want to surround themselves with things they love and they also want others around them to enjoy themselves too. Taurus just sees this as the right way to live and has a tendency to fill their life with things they find beautiful.

    Those in Taurus have a tendency to be bullheaded, not liking change and once they’ve set their mind to something, they will not alter it. Taurueans see this trait as a strength and it can (and will) lead them to success in different facets of their life. They have a strong sense of duty and many Taurueans are most comfortable with routines and work passionately to grow in their careers.

    Taurus beings are very down to earth people who, unlike the bold Aries, like to stay away from the spotlight and live their lives keeping away from trouble. They are practical and have an almost hard-headed sense of principles that they absolutely follow, even to their own detriment.

    They are well aware of what is acceptable in social situations and business settings and have a rigid sense of accepting these unspoken rules and believe life would be simpler if everyone around them did the same. They have difficulties with situations that deviate from the norm and struggle with keeping up with wilder, more spontaneous people.

    Taurus are the strong, silent type. They are very reliable and easily gain people’s trust as their value for honor and sensibility is easily picked up on by those around them. They may not be the fun daredevils of a group, but when something needs to be addressed and fixed behind the scenes, Taurus find it easy to handle problems calmly and patiently.

    When something is working perfectly, people don’t notice it. It’s only when something goes wrong that people start talking about it and bring attention to the matter. This is a truth about the world that Taurus is very aware of as they are used to keeping things in running order without taking any praise for it.

    Taurus would prefer to fix the problem on their own and often ignore the loudest voices and their complaints. Taurus are very persistent and will stay on top of matters, tunnel-visioning on the problem until they solve it, possibly ignoring those around them providing real help as they are drowned out by the loudest complaints.

the zodiac signs…

Below is your guide to understanding each Zodiac sign, its elements, and what makes up its personality.

We all know about our sun sign this is determined by your date of birth and represents our core personality, your sense of self, basic preferences, romantic compatibility, and ways in which we move through the world.

However, we also have our rising/ ascendant which, is the sign that was rising over the eastern horizon when you were born. This placement represents our appearance, attitudes, and the way we come across to others.

Finally, we have our Moon sign that represents our inner worlds, our emotional side, feelings, desires, and all the stuff going on below the surface that might not be apparent, even to ourselves.

When we dive deeper into Astrology you will learn more about placements such as Venus - how you give and receive love, art, and money, Pluto - your sense of rebirth and transformation, we have North & South Nodes: These mathematical points on a chart are always opposite one another. The South Node represents your past journey and your North Node represents your karma and future. We also have Mercury - who rules over our intelligence, mentality, analytical skills, reaction, learning, grasping power, central nervous system, body language, and impression.

Below is an overview of the 12 Zodiac signs you may find them interesting to read and now you may know a little more about astrology you can read about how these placements may influence you and what you resonate with!

If you don’t know and are curious about your birth chart the below link is a great website to read your birth chart you just need the date, time, and place of birth and you are good to go!

Fire Sign

Water Sign

Air Sign

Earth Sign

Earth Sign

Fire Sign

Water Sign

Air Sign

Air Sign

Earth Sign

Fire Sign

Water Sign